FCD - field capacity days
FCD stands for field capacity days
Here you will find, what does FCD stand for in Construction under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate field capacity days? field capacity days can be abbreviated as FCD What does FCD stand for? FCD stands for field capacity days. What does field capacity days mean?field capacity days is an expansion of FCD
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Alternative definitions of FCD
- Franklin County District
- Freeflow Control Device
- Fibrocystic Disease
- Functional Capabilities Document
- 'Democratic Civic Front'
- Field Control Division
- Futsal Club Dynamic
- Fracture, complete, deviated
View 52 other definitions of FCD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCEC Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
- FCERM flood and coastal erosion risk management
- FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
- FCL Finished Ceiling Level
- FCRM Flood & Coastal Risk Management
- FD Fire Door
- FDAS Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
- FDC FLow Duration Course
- FDFAS Fire Detection and Fire Alarm System
- FDIS Final Draft International Standard
- FEES Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard
- FEF Fire and Emergency File
- FEH Flood Estimation Handbook
- FER Fundamental Expenditure Review
- FES Fabric Energy Storage
- FETA Federation of Environmental Trade Associations
- FF Floor Finishes